Saturday, March 3, 2012

Here without you...

It's been quiet a long time since I had listen to this song. The first time I came across this song and the band  "3 Doors Down" was around 2003 if I not mistaken. Ever since that, this song has became my favourite song up till now. I think I listened to it for million times already but yet never get bored. Recently, after a long time suddenly I opened back my video folder and found the video clip. I keep playing it on and on.

I can feel the emotion of the song combine with the way and the expression of the singer when he sing it. It just so lovely and touch your emotion. Brad Arnold (the vocalist of the band) states that the main inspiration for this song was his now ex-wife. The song is about being away from someone and missing them, and it's not about how long you've gone, it's about the loneliness that comes with missing someone. It's also about a state of peace that comes with dreaming of the missed loved one.     

Hhhmmm...indeed! Brad Arnold was correct. Thanks for the lovely masterpiece. Something that can accompany me. Something that really suits me well. :)   

Everything I know and anywhere I go, It gets hard but it won't take away my love, And when the last one falls, when it's all said and done, It gets hard but it won't take away my love...and here without you

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Harvester of Sorrow

It's been a while since my last post. Hurm !! There is something that really intriguing my mind. It's been a year already. But the pain is still there. The more I try to eradicate, the more it hurts. I guest that this long journey is already taking its toll. There's a sort of emptiness deep inside me. An emptiness that needs to be filled, but I just dont know how and with what...

Since that moment, I try to find my way back. Living the life that it should be but sometimes I felt like I'm totally lost. Losing everything that I try holding into. This morning, I try to express that feeling out !!!   

It's been a year, and it feels like it has been wasted just like that.
It's been a year, and I feel like I'm going nowhere
It's been a year, and I dont know what should I do...

 Ya Allah, please help me. Lend me strength so that I can live another day in this world :(

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Jangan Izinkan Aku Jatuh Cinta Andai Masanya Belum Tiba

Ya Allah,
Andai masanya belum tiba,
Jangan izinkan aku untuk jatuh cinta,
Aku memohon agar Kau tunjukkan jalan,
Agar Kau tunjukkan aku tuntutun yang perlu aku lakukan,
Jauhkanlah aku daripada kemaksiatan,
Jauhkanlah aku daripada perkara yang tidak dapat memberi manfaat,
Dan jauhkan aku daripada perkara yang Engkau murkai,
Agar aku dapat menjaga diri.

       Ya Allah,
       Jika aku jatuh cinta,
       Izinkanlah aku menyentuh hati seseorang yang hatinya tertaut pada-Mu,
      Jadikanlah aku yang mencintainya kerana agama yang ada padanya,
      Jika dia hilangkan agama yang ada dalam dirinya,
      Maka hilanglah cintaku padanya,
      Sesungguhnya, cinta yang suci itu tidak buta.

Ya Allah,
Dan jika dia mencintai aku,
Biarkanlah dia mencintai aku kerana agama itu juga,
Asalkan dia tidak lebihkan cinta kepadaku melebihi cinta kepadaMu,
Supaya cinta itu bersemi di lembayung keredhaan-Mu,
Kerna dari situ lahirlah rahmah dan mawaddah dalam rumahtangga.

      Ya Allah,
      Jika ini bukan masanya,
      Jika ini belum saatnya,
      Dan jika Kau tahu kami belum bersedia,
      Selamatkan kami,
      Jarakkan kami,
      Pisahkan kami,
      Agar kami jauh dari khilaf yang merosak izzah dan iffah,
      Agar kami tak mengundang murka-MU,
      Agar kami dapat lebih menjaga hati,
      Agar hati menjadi yang diredhai ilahi.

Ya Allah,
Andai dia bukan untuk ku,
Andai dia bukan jodohku,
Maka berilah ganti yang lebih baik buatnya,
Berikanlah dia insan yang benar benar terbaik buat kehidupannya,
Insan yang benar-benar mampu memimpinnya ke syurga-Mu,
Dan bantulah aku untuk memperbaiki diriku,
Agar aku kukuh dalam mencari cinta-Mu.

I Stumbled upon this beautiful poem from ILuvIslam website. I put it here to be shared by everyone. Hope whoever that read this may gain something useful from it. 


Monday, January 9, 2012

Jauh Dari Rahmat

Selalunya saya tulis dalam bahasa Inggeris, cme kali nie nk tulis dalam bahasa Melayu sbb malas nak translate dan nk tulis straight dri hati. Semenjak duamenjak nie, dpt dirasakn yg diri nie semakin menjauh dri rahmat Tuhan. Ibadah pun dh x brsungguh, doa pun skdr ckp syarat. Bila difikirkan balik, apakah sya berubah ini ikhlas atau tidak?...adakah berubah disbbkan utk menambat hati seseorang, atau sekadar berlakon utk nampak baik?...sya berjanji dgn diri mcm2, utk berubah utk menjaga tutur kata, utk jaga sikap, utk tidak melanggar perintah Tuhan tp selalu end up dgn melanggar smua janji2 tu...terasa diri berdosa dan x lyk mendapat mendapat keampunan, jadi ibadah pun dilaksana dgn malas dan x de kesungguhan

Kemudian dlm masa blogwalking tempohari, terjumpa satu blog. Di dalam artikel blog tu, sya terbaca satu ayat Al-Quran:

Allah berfirman, ‘Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad); Wahai hamba-hambaKu yang telah melampaui batas terhadap diri mereka sendiri (dengan perbuatan maksiat), janganlah kamu berputus asa dari rahmat Allah, kerana sesungguhnya Allah mengampunkan segala dosa sesungguhnya Dialah jua yang Maha Pengampun, lagi Maha Mengasihani.’ Surah Az-Zumar, ayat 53.

Ayat nie wat sya tersedar, yang Allah tidak pernah sesekali menutup pintu Rahmat dan Keampunan utk hamba2nya. Cme kita j yg mudah putus asa dan mudh palingkn diri dari Tuhan ble sesuatu yg berlaku dan terjadi tu tak mengikut apa yg kita nak dan rancangkan. Allah memberitahu kita supaya jangan putus putus asa dari rahmat Allah sekalipun mereka melakukan dosa samada dosa kecil atau dosa besar. Ini kerana Allah Maha Mengetahui hakikat manusia yang tidak pernah lari dari melakukan dosa kecuali para nabi dan rasul yang maksum.

Sya selami diri, mgkn disebabkan terlalu mengharapkn cinta seorang wanita dan mengejar kekayaan yg menyebabkan sya lari dri niat yg sbnr. Menyebabkan keihklasan hilang dri hati. Bila putus cinta, sya jadi sunyi dan kesunyian tu menyebabkn sya terdesak utk cpt2 cari penganti namun sering kecewa. Di tambah plak bla melihat rakan2 yg dh mendirikan rumah tangga dan berjaya dlm karier, maka kekecewaan terhadap takdir diri itu semakin bertambah.   

Sememangnya sya jahil, terlalu membutakan hati utk sebab2 mcm tu. seolah2 matlamat hidup nie utk perempun dan harta. Byk lagi tanggungjawab sya yg perlu ditunaikan. Perbetulkan haluan diri sblm bersedia memikul tanggungjawab kalo ingin mnjadi suami. Biarlah andai timbul perasaan cinta tu nnti, adalah sesuatu yg dlandaskn atas syariat dan tidak melebihi cinta kpd Allah dan bkn kerana nafsu semata2 kerana dua orang yg bertemu kerana Allah swt adalah lebih baik daripada dunia & seisinya. Apa yg sya lalui dlu byk mengajar sya tntg erti cinta.  

Skrg keutaaman sya adalah memperbaiki diri dan mencari masa depan yg lbh cerah. Tentang bila brtemu cinta e2 sya serahkan pd Allah. Mgkn esok, mgkn 1 thn, mgkn 10 tahun maka yg lbh mengetahu e2 adalah DIA. Biarlah dilihat seolah2 "loser" krn brsendirian, yg penting sya memilih jalan yg lbh berkat dan mndpt keredhaan. SATU JALAN YANG DIPAYUNGI RAHMAT

Dari Abu Hurairah r.a katanya, Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda:
"Sesungguhnya ALLAH TA'ALA berfirman pada Hari Kiamat kelak; mana orang-orang yang saling mencintai kerana keagungan-KU? Hari ini KU-naungi mereka, di mana tidak ada naungan yang lain selain naungan-KU."


Saturday, December 31, 2011

An Ugly Start

Just had a fight with my younger brother and I dont know for how many times. What just seems to be a heated argument turned to be an ugly brawl. This is not something that everyone in the family expected as a new year is just around the corner and we entering it with an ugly start. Somehow it tooks my parents to intervene to settle the matter. My younger brother has careless attitude on everything he do while me is an ill tempered person that want perfection in every matter. When these two opposing forces collide, not a single good outcome can be expected. These ill feelings towards each other has been there since we where kids. It touched my heart when I saw my mother shed her tears because of us as she the one who bears the burden the most. It touched my heart when I heard my father expressed his regret over the matter. As my parents, it is something that they dont wish to see, to see their sons quarrels and turn our back on each other.

I know that I'm the one who partly to be blamed. Somehow when you are driven with madness, you tend to lose your sense of well being, patience and self respect. Something that i dont want and not trying to be.  Sigh!!!!

Hopefully, as time goes by, things will get much better. I dont want these hatred and ill feelings continue as we grow up.

This house should be a place for happiness and love to flourish. And as long as I live, I will keep it that way and wont let everything to crumble apart



Thursday, December 29, 2011

The King's Speech

I just finished watching movie The King's Speech and I'm truely inspired by it. I give two thumbs for the movie and surely it's worthy to watch. The movie was based on the true story of how the future king of British Empire, King George VI ascended the throne unprepared after the death of his father, George V and scandalous abdication of his brother Edward VIII. George VI who suffered from  debilitating speech impediment all his life, has to steer his nation and empire from collapsing as the World War II is taking place in British soil. Desperate and in pressure, George VI wife, Elizabeth seek the help of an eccentric speech therapist, Lionel Logue to help the despair king. Despite all the difficulties that both the king and Lionel faced, Geoge VI managed to overcome his stammer and became the symbol that unite the nation during wartime.        

The King's Speech won seven British Academy Awards and four Academy Awards. This is a film worth talking about. It truely raised my spirit to overcome difficulties in life.

Enjoy Watching!!!! 

Sunday, December 25, 2011

It's Coming to An End

2011 will conclude in a few days more. Has this year been a good year for us? Only yourself can answer the question. It was a toughest year for me and hopefully 2012 will be more kind to me. There were several events that have caught my attention in 2011 and perhaps the public eye and I highlighted several of it:

  1. The Arab Spring 
A wave of revolution has struck Middle East starting from Tunisia and spread all over the continent that have brought down dictator leaders such as Zine El Abidine Ben Ali (Tunisia), Hosni Mubarak (Egypt), Muammar Gaddafi (Libya), Ali Abdullah Saleh (Yemen) and the unrest is still ongoing in Syria demanding Bashar Al-Assad to step down.

The Arab Spring

      2.  Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami

An earthquake with magnitude of 9.0 Richter struck Japan Pacific coast triggering powerful tsunami waves that destroyed much of cities that situated along the affected coastline. The tsunami also caused a number of nuclear accidents at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant which listed as the worst nuclear accident since Chernobyl disaster.

Fukushima Power Plant after the earthquake

      3.  Arif Alfian Rosli

Not much to say about this fella. Perhaps the entire population of Malaysia (or perhaps the world) know the stories circulated about him. The picture below should give an overview about him.

The Malay dilemma?
and many other things that happened through entire 2011...

And what will be the prediction for 2012?...not much since the Mayan people already predicted that the end of the world will happens that just get rid of your new year visions, missions, hopes cause the doomsday is coming...BEWARE!!!

Ok, maybe Armageddon is a bit of an exaggeration